Free Introduction to
Dr. Leonard Horowitz’s ‘Frequency Rehab’ Course
Hello and welcome!
Taking Dr. Horowitz’s ‘Frequency Rehab’ Course will change your life and expand your caregiving and/or healthcare career most positively and dramatically.
To prove this to you, here is your ‘free pass’ to view the Doctor’s 40-minute introduction to this monumental training program. Here, Dr. Horowitz invites you to help yourself while evolving healthcare internationally. His revelations feature extraordinary lessons in ‘Frequency Rehabilitation’ for helping ‘whole people’ and superior caregivers.
This video introduces ‘Frequency Therapeutics’ as Dr. Horowitz calls this most exciting and exploding field in energy medicine. His protocols integrate the best know-how from various disciplines in natural healing. He emphasizes the commonalities among the natural healing arts and sciences. His pioneering works in ‘Energy Medicine’ are amazing.
This enlightening and enlivening program celebrates ‘bio-spirituality’ and natural healing energy that is freely available cosmically–in the ambient atmosphere. Dr. Horowitz teaches how to tap into this miracle-producing force just like Nikola Tesla taught. Dr. Horowitz shares generally-concealed scientifically-proven therapies using sound, color, and light vibrating in the most powerful, sustaining and rejuvenating resonances. These math-based energies in the universe are responsible for sacred geometry, intelligent design, and the way your body is hydro-sonically and bio-spiritually made, restored, and sustained.
Dr. Horowitz has christened and trademarked the nine (9) core creative frequencies of universal design, “The Perfect Circle of Sound.” These include the ‘MIracle tone’ of the ancient Solfeggio scale. These frequencies pre-date the Hebrew and Roman Catholic eras. They include the 528Hz ‘pure tone’ that millions of musicians and natural healers have learned about from Dr. Horowitz’s pioneering discoveries and publications. The 528Hz frequency harmonizes beautifully with the 432Hz tone that is also widely acknowledged to accompany universal design. In fact, the international acceptance of 432, 444, and 528 frequencies of superior musical healing frequencies was prompted by Dr. Horowitz’s publications. These include The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE and Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse. The latter, a national bestseller, started this whole ‘evolution in frequency healing consciousness’ in 1998.
In this Course, Harvard-trained health science scholar Horowitz shares his academic training on behalf of ALL caregivers, not only medical doctors and nurses. His wisdom remedies the great need and urgent potential for caregivers, young and old, wealthy or poor, lay and professional, to join hearts and hands in administering loving care and advancing world health.
Dr. Horowitz also offers the ways and means to commercialize this novel form of natural healing., and acquire a ‘virtual Frequency Rehab franchise’ in your community. This healing service, a potential business, leverages drug-free ‘bio-energy,’ made freely or inexpensively using multiple available modalities. These include using one’s own hands, voice, and ‘bio-energy fields’ as healing conduits. Like clear-channel broadcasting stations you too can deliver the music of “LOVE 528.”
This retired dentist, oral surgeon, public health expert, and energy medicine guru, teaches how to manufacture such energy medicine devices for commonly administering miraculous healing. His extraordinary lessons demystify miracle-making occurs, using solid irrefutable science.
Dr. Horowitz’s Course provides instructions for making many unusual and powerful natural health products, structured water devices, and assorted healing equipment.. He teaches ‘medicinal music’ concepts and how to integrate ‘chakra therapy’ technologies in your home or workplace. His special frequencies of sound are supplemented by gemstones, homeopathy, electro-magnetism, novel ‘Chakra Disks’ and BioEnergy Wands. These amplify your aura in favor of healing outcomes. These instruments and products enable lay caregivers to be most effective, sometimes even more effective than licensed physicians, in administering needed care for ‘whole people.’
About Dr. Horowitz
Dr. Horowitz is an internationally-recognized genius in the arts and sciences of natural healing whose Harvard training, four decades of public health service, thousands of Internet publications, dozens of peer-reviewed scientific articles, twenty-two books including three award-winning bestsellers, and seven (7) documentary films, has made him the world’s most prolific and best credential champion of natural medicine and “frequency rehabilitation.” Dr. Horowitz has been at the forefront of shattering the addictive and damaging “drug paradigm” for nearly forty (40) years.
More eloquently, heroically, and powerfully than anyone, Dr. Horowitz has exposed Big Pharma’s unethical and illegal stranglehold over politics, healthcare, and the economy now damaging you and your community’s health and safety. Given the expanding healthcare crisis in America, and worsening environmental urgencies risking multiple species’ and civilization’s extinction, Dr. Horowitz’s central intelligence and practical solutions are monumental and crucial to survival in the Twenty First Century. His “common sense” fundamental understanding of your body, water chemistry, and bioenergy is inspirational, life-changing and rejuvenating. He explains better than anyone water science, electro-genetics and DNA repair, nutritional biochemistry, and the “musical-mathematical matrix” of cosmic construction and intelligent design beautifully reflected throughout nature, crucial for “miraculous healing” and civilization’s salvation and evolution of consciousness.
Dr. Horowitz’s Mission and Movies
The doctor’s mission is to “evolve health care and medical science beyond the creation of ‘unnatural plagues,’ including cancers (such as AIDS), auto-immune diseases, lifestyle-related ailments, chemical food poisonings, drug side effects and vaccination injuries, by researching, discovering, and bringing to market safe and effective natural alternatives and remedies.
Dr. Horowitz’s presentations draw from the doctor’s multiple academic degrees and 4 American bestsellers including, Healing Celebrations: Miraculous Recoveries Through Ancient Scripture, Natural Medicine & Modern Science; Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, and The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE.
As a filmmaker, he was honored with the award for “Best Film – 2016” in London and Geneva World International Film Festival competitions for UN-VAXXED–A Docu-commentary for Robert De Niro. His numerous videos appear on, and his landmark medical text, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola—Nature, Accident or Intention? has been credited by CDC and WHO officials as the most influential virology treatise in establishing public health risks from vaccinations. As a consumer protector and heroic whistleblower, he has been at the forefront of defending public health and the natural products industry since 1978 with his publication of Choosing Health for Yourself: A Clear and Practical Guide to Motivating Self-Care.
Dr. Horowitz’s film presentation, the 528KEY movie, provides an explanation of the great opportunity provided by the 528 frequency for advancing unprecedented benefits to civilization.